Weentar Announces Updated Launch Strategy and New Sneak Peek

2 min readAug 27, 2021


Weentar Announced an Updated Launch Strategy on August 25, 2021

It has been an extremely busy week for the Weentar team! With August coming to a close, the team had some decisions to make regarding the planned launch of the MVP. On Wednesday, an executive meeting was held, and an updated strategy for the launch (and more) was finalized.

The biggest announcement of the day was that Weentar would not be having a full public MVP launch this month. Providing users with an amazing experience from start to finish is a top priority for the team, and there are still features that require improvement to meet our standards.

The decision was further influenced by the recent launches of other projects in the industry, which resulted in significant bugs and crashes. In order to minimize risks and maximize user experience, users will soon be able to join a test version of the MVP. Further details about this will soon be made available in our Telegram group.

Also announced yesterday, was an increase in the marketing efforts by the Weentar team. This means increasing our marketing budget and allocating much more time to building up hype, engaging with other creators and influencers, and other activities to be revealed later. We are super excited to start pumping out more content across all of our social media pages very soon!

Finally, this morning we released a second sneak peek video featuring Sebastian Diné. The video, uploaded to our YouTube channel, shows how easy it is to send coins to other users, bid on NFTs, and more! As with the previous sneak peek, viewers should keep in mind this is a development version and does not represent the final product.

Sneak Peek from YouTube Video
Screenshot from Sneak Peek Video #2

More details on everything to come soon! Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and check out our official website for more details if you are new to the project!

Until next time,

Your Weentar Team




At Weentar are reimagining social media through the power of the blockchain.