Our Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) is now happening on ChainX!
Hello Weentar Community,
We are glad to announce a strategic partnership with ChainX, one of Korea’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges.
Everything you need to know about ChainX
ChainX is one of the biggest crypto exchange based in Korea and growing fast. Now Korean top 3 exchange in Coinmarketcap. It offers buyers to get the right of entry KRW fiat/cryptos pairs, charging 0 deposit costs.
ChainX is the only Korean exchange that gets investment from and aid from NGC.
Korea is one of the largest cryptocurrency market and the 6th crypto-friendly country in the world that has played an important role in its global adoption. As part of our expansion plan our goal is to have our project be known in the Korean market and our ChainX partnership does just that.
ChainX has a strong investor-based community that will bring great synergy in the marketing and networking that is required for a success in this market.
ChainX Important Links:
ChainX official website: https://chainx.kr
ChainX official twitter : https://twitter.com/ChainxOfficial
ChainX official Telegram: https://t.me/chainx_official
ChainX official announcement channel: https://t.me/chainx_announcement
ChainX KakaoTalk official open chat room: https://open.kakao.com/o/gP5gBM9
ChainX Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/chainx
About Weentar. ($WNTR)
Weentar is a decentralised social media project. We are creating a platform that allows for celebrities, influencers and creators launch their social tokens as easily as creating a profile and also have their media content posted as NFT’s on a decentralised social media platform on the Weentar blockchain.
Social media has turned us all into unpaid workers. Creators work on creating content for free that is posted for the validation of the audience who engage with the content with no financial incentive. All of this activities are monetised by the platform via advertisement. A over 100 Billion dollar market that is dependent on all the free labour of billions of people. The financial benefits of this system only goes to a few people. The overwhelming majority including the biggest creators do not have rights to any financial rewards, or even their own content or data. We are turning that unfair model on its head.
Our goal is to decentralise social media on the blockchain. Creators would be able to launch their own tokens as easily as creating a profile and their communities can purchase creator tokens to gain access to content and voting right within the community. As the community grows so does the monetary value of the social tokens, allowing for fans to be financially rewarded for the success of the creators. Creators can also launch their videos or photos as NFTs on the Weentar blockchain giving fans and investors the opportunity to purchase bid on content thus giving creators more financial incentives to put our great content. This is a zero advertisement social media future that gives infinitely more independence and financial incentives to the creators and the communities that form around them.
The team behind the project.
- CEO, Eduardo Fonnegra is an American business executive with Crowdcreate.us, a company that has raised over 133Million dollars for several projects. He has a lot of experience with Artificial Intelligence, Crowdfunding and Real estate.
- CTO, Sebastian Dine is a German tech lead in a global market research agency. His speciality is in blockchain development, big data engineering and Artificial intelligence.
- Head of product, Clinton Murphy is American, with a lot of experience in product and project management from tech startups to public companies.
- Senior blockchain Developer, Kailash Sharan has a bachelor degree in computer engineering and has a lot of experience building blockchain based games and developing smart contracts for some established projects in the crypto space.
- We have a blockchain development team, app development team, product designers and investment relations team from various countries all working together to make Weentar a top 20 project in 2021.
Smart contract audited by solidity.finance
Social handles.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WEENTARcom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weentar/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@weentar
Telegram: https://t.me/weentarcom
LinkedIn: https:linkedin.com/weentar